So for the past three months I have been in school. Jacob and I decided that I needed to finish my associates, since I wouldn't be losing any credits because I'd be going to the same school.
I had a math D: class, a sculpture and Biological Anthropology. I had so much fun. I did well in all my classes and I just finished my finals yesterday so we'll see how I did in the end. Anthropology was so awesome. If I can get away with it later in life I want to go back and do Forensic Anthropology and be like Bones the TV show. I'd be the coolest person ever and Jacob could be my booth.
Also I interviewed at a dance studio in the area and I got the job teaching. I'm totally excited. I had to do a substitute class so they can see my dance style, but apparently they liked it enough to hire me.
Morgan is huge. She is counting to 10 mostly on her own, knows green, red, purple, and she red her first word today. "pig" Mostly its just memorizing what it looks like right now but eventually she'll get it. We've been watching a program called "Your baby can read" pretty cool. I recommend it to everyone.
We went to the beach with Grandma and Grandpa. Morgan had so much fun. She would walk up the sand dune then sit down and slide down it on her butt. I wont attempt to tell you how much sand was in her diaper and other unmentionable areas.
I am getting so baby hungry. Morgan is going to be 2 in 4 months. Holey Moley!!! We have to wait though because we don't have insurance for Jacob and I. Morgan is on Medicaid though. However if I got pregnant than we could get Medicaid for me. Although we want to be a little bit firmer in our money situation before we try.
Jacob is working from home right now. We've been looking for a job since July but the economy has really been inhibiting that. He's working hard though for his family, and I'm really proud of how he's handling the stress. We'll get through.
I house is sooooo close to being sold. Hopefully by the end of this month.

She loves her boots, she wont take them off, except for bed time, but only barely

She'll remove all the pants from the cupboard and will sit in there with her bear and read. I wonder how much light actually is in there

My Little EMMO baby

There she is with her boots and bear. This is at like 1 or so, she wouldn't let me take off her boots to get dressed.