Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Moving to Washington

Well I went up to Washington just to visit family and while I was up there I had a revelation that Jacob should come up here and look for jobs because the job search wasn't very successful in Utah. So Jacob has come up here and has been looking for a job for the past two weeks. He's had a few interviews and has a second intereview next week. But we've also found that he gets very positive feed back regarding his freelance work.
So we decided to move to Washington, we will be renting out our house which is sad but at least we wont lose it indeffinately for now. By moving up here Jacob has a higher opportunity to get as job as well as have more freelance work.
We are going to be renting out Jacobs parents downstairs which has a seperate entrance, kitchen, washer and dryer and everything. We've both agreed that we would be completely seperate.
So We're pretty bummed that we wont be in our house more than a few months but it gives us an opportunity to for Jacob to explore better options and for me to teach at my old studio and go to my old college. I'm pretty excited but pretty bummed.
We're going to miss everyone but we have to look for whats best for our family.

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